03.01.2025 RECIPES
‘Le gateau’ became il gattò in Neapolitan, and while to the north of the Alps the term was more likely to denote a sweet cake than a savoury one, the opposite was true in Naples. Gattò was the local term for what in English we would call a bake – and the Neapolitan bake per eccellenza is the gattò di patate.
A fantastic, protein and vitamin-packed winter warmer which is just as good on cooler spring and autumn days, this is the classic Neapolitan comfort food, one associated with the safe, affectionate embrace of the family home. That’s exactly how it is viewed by Antonio Esposito, one of Le Sirenuse’s young sous chefs. “It’s the dish my grandmother always made for me back home in Castellammare”, he tells the Sirenuse Journal. “In fact, she still does. When I have a day off, or in autumn, as soon as the hotel season is over, I’ll head over to the family house and nonna will immediately start in on making a gattò – it’s her way of welcoming me back”.
Serves 4
250g (9oz) waxy potatoes
50g (1¾oz) Napoli salami, finely diced
50g (1¾oz) prosciutto cotto (baked ham), finely diced
50g (1¾oz) scamorza cheese, cut into small cubes
42g (1½oz) grated parmesan
42g (1½oz) butter
50g (1¾oz) breadcrumbs
60ml (2fl.oz) milk
The white and yolk of 1 egg
Olive oil, salt and pepper

Salame napoletano is a prized local sausage variety with no more than 25% fat; if you can’t source it where you are, any good Italian salami with a similar meat-to-fat ratio should do. Scamorza is a hard southern Italian cow’s milk cheese that comes in both plain and smoked versions. You are welcome to use smoked if you like the taste, but be aware that it can overpower the other flavors.
Begin by boiling the potatoes, skins on, for around 40 minutes. Towards the end, turn on the oven, setting it at 180°C (360°F). Drain, leave to cool a little, peel, and mash. Place in a mixing bowl and add all the other ingredients, except the parmesan and the breadcrumbs (there’s no need to beat the egg beforehand). Stir to amalgamate and adjust for salt and pepper.
Next, take a casserole dish big enough to accommodate the mixture. Butter it and sprinkle some of the breadcrumbs around base and sides to form a thin crust. Add the potato purée mix, and top with the rest of the breadcrumbs and the parmesan. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Leave to cool for at least five minutes before serving.
Photos © Anna Monaco

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